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Unit – Fastcall and Omni-Channel

With an Omni-channel contact center, customers interact with agents using the channel of their choice, and the contact center routes cases to the right agent so the interaction is as seamless as possible.

To run an omni-channel contact center, you need to connect the right information to the right people at the right time. Omni-Channel in Salesforce, Service Cloud’s comprehensive customer service solution, pushes work to agents in real-time, right from the Salesforce console. Omni-Channel makes it all happen using objects, which is just a fancy word for anything that can be routed to your agents. Cases, chats, leads, and social posts are all examples of objects.

This unit assumes you have completed the Omni-Channel configuration in your Salesforce org. If not, you can check how to do it here and here.

Setup Fastcall and Omni-Channel

1. Lightning App

First, you can add a new Lightning App with Fastcall and Omni-Channel. Go to Setup and enter ‘App’ in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager. Click on the New Lightning App button.

add new lightning app in app manager

Give your app a name and click next. You can also give a description, upload an image and choose the highlight color for its navigation bar.

app details

On App Options, choose Console Navigation under Navigation Style and click Next.

app options

Add Omni-Channel and Open CTI Softphone in Utility Items and click Next.

Utility Items

Choose the items to include in the app, like Fastcall Settings, Fastcall Control Panel, Contacts, leads, etc., and click Next.

navigation items

Choose the user profiles that can access the app and click Save and Finish.

user profiles

Go to the App Launcher and find your new lightning app.

app launcher

2. Service Channel for Fastcall Call

In Setup, go to Service Channels and add a new service channel. Add a name to the service channel and in Salesforce Object select Call.

Under Capacity Settings, in Capacity Model choose Status-based, and in Status Field choose Status. Then you have to put some values for Completed and some values for In-Progress.

service channels

3. Routing Configurations

In Setup, go to Routing Configurations and add a new routing configuration. Define a Name, the Priority and the Capacity of the work item to this route. You can also define the Time-Out and other fields.

routing configurations

4. Queue

In Setup, go to Queues, and define a queue associated to the routing configuration and the Fastcall Call with the users who receive the call.

Add a name to the queue. Then add the routing configuration that you create in the previous step.

Add Call to Selected Objects under Supported Objects.


5. Presence Statuses

In Setup, go to Presence Statuses and add an available status. Add a name to the status, select Online in Status Options, and add the service channel you created in Step 2, to the Selected Channels.

You can also add a Busy status or the number of presence statuses you need.

presence statuses

6. Profiles

In Setup, go to Profiles and select the profile of your user. Click on Enabled Service Presence Status Access and edit.


Enable the available statuses to the user profile.

enable statuses

7. Call Layout

In Setup, go to Object Manager and select the Call object and in Compact Layout add a new compact layout.

Add a name to the layout and add the fields you want to see in the call layout. For example Record Lookup Contact and From Phone. You can also add the lookup for leads, accounts, etc.

new compact layout

Once you save this new Compact Layout, click the Compact Layout Assignment button and Edit Assignment. In Primary Compact Layout select the layout you just created.

edit assignment

8. Fastcall User Status

In Fastcall Settings > Admin Settings > User Status, in the Omni-Channel section, you can sync your Fastcall user statuses with the Omni-Channel Presence Statuses you have created.

In the table, you can add a Fastcall Status and mapp it with the Omni-Channel Presence Status you want. For example, you can add Available (Fastcall Status) and mapp it with Available Fastcall (Omni-Channel presence status). If the sync toggle is enabled and you choose Available in the Fastcall widget, it will change to Available Fastcall in the Omni-Channel component (and vice-versa).

Sync Fastcall and Omni-channel statuses

9. IVR type Omni-Channel

In Fastcall Settings > Admin Settings > Call Handling > Interactive Voice Response. Create a new IVR, and select Omni-Channel action.

ivr settings

In Omni-Channel Queue you have to select the Queue you created in step 4.

Then you can assign this new IVR to the phone number in the phone numbers settings.

10. Receive a call in the Omni-Channel component

After all the steps above, you are now able to receive a call in the Omni-Channel component.

First, you need to change your status to Available, then when someone calls the phone number with the omni-channel IVR assigned, this call will ring on the Omni-Channel widget and you can see the call in the work queue. You can answer the call there, and this action will open the Fastcall widget.

If you want to add the “reject” button, you have to go to Setup > Presence Decline Reasons and add one.

presence decline reasons

Then, go to Setup > Presence Configurations and edit the Default Presence Configuration. Enable Allow agents to decline work requests and Allow agents to choose a decline reason. And in the Assign Decline Reasons section add the Presence Decline Reason you just created.

presence configurations
assign decline reason

Now you can decline calls too in the Omni-Channel component.

reject button

Last updated: Fastcall v8.4.5, 2024-02-23

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